Infinity Ring: A Mutiny in Time Review

 Hello everyone, today I will be reviewing the book "Infinity Ring: A Mutiny in Time". My brother actually rented this book from his school's library and I thought it looked interesting, so I decided to read it. There's 8 books so far in the series, and for some reason most of them are written by different people.  I've only read the first book so far, but my brother said he'd rent the second one if he saw it. 

The whole book series is about these kids trying to fix what is called a "break". These are times in history when things didn't go as planned. These breaks have a bad effect in the future which causes more frequent hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. 

There are 2 groups in the series. The Hystorians and the SQ. The SQ are what's causing the breaks and they wan to keep them, while the Hystorians, which was founded by Aristotle wants to fix these breaks. 

The kids that were sent on a journey to fix these breaks were Dak, Sera and Riq. Dak loved history a lot and was obsessed with it. He always talks about history every chance he gets. 

Sera is a science nerd. She knows a lot about science and like Dak is very obsessed with it. Riq is older than the other 2, because he is 16. His main thing is languages. He learned 5 languages when he was 5, and now he knows 16.

To go back in time, they use a device called the infinity ring. this was made by Dak's parents, and finished off by Sera. Dak's parents got lost in time during the test run of the Infinity Ring and are now stuck across time. Dak and Sera agreed to help fix the breaks because it would allow them to also search for their parents. 

To prepare and help the kids during their trip to fix the breaks, they Hystorians and the SQ had anticipated that someone in the future would come back in time to fix the breaks. So they planted many of their agents across time to assist or stop them.


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