Book Review: Diary of a Wimpy Kid 15: The Deep End

Hello again, it has been awhile since I've written anything here and to be honest I kind of forgot this even existed. So here I am again and today I'll continue writing about the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' series. I'll be writing about book 15, The Deep End. The 16th book is actually already out, but I haven't read it yet, so I'll just review this one first. So without anymore interruptions, let's begin. 

(spoilers ahead)

This book isn't that bad and is pretty entertaining. I'd say it's around my 6th or 7th favorite right now. 'Old School' is still my favorite book in the series. There were some parts in the book that I found boring, but most of it was entertaining. The book continues off from the last book after their house got destroyed. Greg is living in his grandma's basement with his family, when his parents decided that they should go camping, and like every other book something bad is about to happen.

When I read the blurb at the back of the book, I thought that it would be similar to the book 9, 'The Long Haul', but was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't. Though, family camping books are quite similar to family road trips, I'd say I enjoy the camping one more. 

My favorite character in the book would probably Greg, which is surprising. His family don't really play that much of an important role in the story except for in the early beginning and near the very end. The middle part is mostly Greg, which makes sense since it is his diary, but I feel like his family played bigger roles in the other books. 

If I had to choose my favorite part, there'd be 2 candidates, but the winner would be when Greg had a water gun fight with some teenagers. Greg's mom tells Greg to make friends at the camp, and asks some kids that walk by if they wanted to play with him. They agree, and bring him to a fishing spot. They all have nicknames and a small kid named 'Juicebox' is their leader.

They ask what Greg's name is, and Greg, since everybody else has a nickname, tells them it's "Jimmy Dogwater".  They tell Greg that the teenagers always bullied them and threw watermelons at them, and that today they were prepared to get revenge. They stocked up on water guns and were gonna wage war on them. 

The big kid whose name I forgot will serve as the distraction, while the others will sneak behind the teenagers and shoot them. The plan succeeds, but they end up running out of water and they resort to using the fruit/soda in the bar. They completely waste all of it, but in the end, they win.

Overall this book was a 8/10 for me and I'd highly recommend it. It's a fun and entertaining book, that would keep you entertained for a long time.  


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