Roblox: Arsenal vs. BIG Paintball.

It's about time that I do this. If you don't know, Arsenal and BIG Paintball are FPS (First Person Shooter) games. They are both similiar in many ways, but since I like both of them I thought I would see which one is better. So without further a do, let's go!

Arsenal vs. BIG Paintball: What the community thinks.

So, let's take a look at what the players on roblox think about these games. Arsenal was published on August 18th 2015 by ROLVe Community. It currently has around 23 thousand people playing it and it has been visited more than 300 million times. Arsenal has been made earlier so it has a small advantage.

Now let's take a look at BIG Paintball. BIG Paintball is actually quite new, but that doesn't mean it has a huge disatvantage. BIG Paintball was published on July 24th 2019 by a group named  BIG Games™. BIG Paintball is different from Arsenal as instead of an actual gun FPS shooter, you have paintball guns. This game currently has 44 thousand people playing it and it's been visited 22 million times. 

Arsenal vs. BIG Paintball: Choices

Arsenal has a lot of choices of guns, skins and kill effects! The only problem I have with it is that you can only get a new gun when you kill someone and when you do kill someone you get a random gun. 
The skins and kill effects look cool though and if you're looking for a decent, good quality FPS I reccomend Arsenal but only on a PC or Laptop/Mac

BIG Paintball doesn't have skins but it makes you use your roblox avatar. Unlike Arsenal BIG Paintball let's you buy guns for coins. The kill effects come with the gun aswell. I would reccomend BIG Paintball for PC, Laptop and Mac aswell, but I would also reccomend it for mobile and tablets.

Arsenal vs. BIG Paintball: Accuracy

Arsenal has really good accuracy to real life guns. Recoil is when you get pushed back by some type of force or impact such as firing a gun. In real life, whenever you fire a gun, depending on what type you will get a certain amount of recoil. In Arsenal that recoil is there. Whenever you fire you get slight recoil, not as much as the real thing but you still have it.

You also go slower or faster depending on what type of gun you have like if you have a pistol you go quicker than if you have something like a minigun. Another thing is that players die depending on how strong your gun is and where you hit them.

If you hit a human in real life they will not die immediately, but if you shoot them in the heas,neck or chest correctly they will die instantly. It is like this is Arsenal. Overall, Arsenal's accuracy is great.

BIG Paintball doesn't have as much accuracy though. Because this is a paintball game rather than a real gun fight. So, there is no recoil, beause if you shoot a paintball there's hardly any recoil at all. There is slight slowness with the guns but not much, because a full paintball gun is heavy but not that heavy.

In BIG Paintball if you hit your opponent anywhere they get "tagged" because you can't kill somebody with a paintball gun. BIG Paintball has decent accuracy for a paintball game but it could be better.

Well, that's it! The end! I want you to tell me which do you prefer and why in the comments section!

If you haven't played any of these I highly reccomend trying them. If you have any other games you want me to do, please tell me aswell ^  ^

My roblox username is Babybubblez101

Goodbye! 😋👋


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