This School Year

 Hello everyone, as you know, there's currently a global pandemic that lasted since march 2020. For this whole school year, I've done all my classes online, through zoom. Now, since the pandemic is slightly lifting, next year, my school year will be mixed, so I'll have some days where I do zoom, and some days where I do school at the actual school. So I've decided that I'll be summarizing and showing you what this school year was like, so let's start!

At first, I was quite new to the idea of online school. I never knew what zoom/ google meet was before. To be honest, I was kinda shy and nervous at first cause I didn't fully understand it. When I first used them, I thought they were pretty cool since they were moderately easy to use and had a lot of cool features.

One of the problems I had with online school was that I found it pretty hard to focus since, I did school on my laptop so sometimes, when I got bored, I did other stuff, like watching Youtube or playing some games.  Sometimes I went on discord or whatsapp and just chatted with my friends when I got really bored.

During the beginning of this year, I mostly played Roblox, until this October. Roblox was getting way too laggy for me so I took a small break from it. Then one of my friends introduced me on how to get minecraft for free for awhile, so I tried that. After that, I mostly just play Minecraft and I still do nowadays.

Roblox is still kinda laggy for me, but I still play it from time to time when it's not that laggy. Most of the time, I only play it when my friends wanna play it haha. Right now, Minecraft is way more fun for me and I play it more often than I play Roblox. 

Now it's time to talk about subjects. Now, the subjects I have are: English, Math, Matematika, Combined Science, IPA (science in indonesian), Bahasa Indonesia, PPKn, Social Studies, ICT, P.E. and Art.  This is a bit more than I had to when I was in Ireland. Here, I start school from 7:40am - 2:10pm, while in Ireland I did school from 9:20am - 3:00pm.

Looks like it's finally the time to talk about scores. Since I got distracted a lot easily, my scores have went down a substantial amount. This was mostly because I kept getting distracted in class and wouldn't focus properly. I think my worst scores ever came from term 2, and so far my best scores are in term 4, but not all of my exam scores came out yet. Only my maths came out for term 4 as of now, and it's a good score so hopefully the rest are like it!

Well, that's it for now! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I liked writing it! 

Until next time, goodbye ^ ^


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