My Final Semester Exams


A few weeks ago, I had my final semester exam. I had 9 tests in total. I had 1 on the first day, and then I had 2 the next days. The tests usually lasted for around 1 to 1 and a half hours long. Some tests were pretty hard while the rest were relatively easy.  

The tests started on Thursday and ended on the Wednesday the next week. We had a break in between on the Saturday and Sunday on the weekend which gave us enough time to study a bit more. Each test started at 8am and we had to join 20 minutes before so we usually joined at 7:40.

 The first test I had was combined science and IPA. It lasted for an hour and a half. I had studied last night and a bit before that so I was still a tad bit unprepared. I completed the test an hour and 10 minutes later and I double checked my answers after that. When the test ended I took a break and laid down for awhile. 

The next day I had Bahasa Indonesia and ICT. I was more worried about Bahasa Indonesia because I'm not really good at it.  Bahasa and ICT lasted for  1 hour each. Bahasa started at 8am and ICT started at 1pm.   

After Bahasa and ICT, we had a break because it was the weekend. The next test I had after this was English and Religion. English was at 8am and Religion was at 12:30pm. I was worried about religion because it was also in Bahasa Indonesia.

After Religion, I had Social Studies and Mandarin, and then I had Math/Matematika and PPKn. PPKn was the test I was most worried about. PPKn was the hardest subject for me since I didn't understand a lot of it and would sometimes get distracted by other less important things.

After all the tests were done, it felt like a really heavy rock was just lifted off my back. We now had around 3 weeks of no school!

  However, now the anxiety was kicking in. Since I was done, all that was left was wait for the results. They came in a week after and some were good and some were bad. 

My parents and I sat down to talk about my scores. I didn't enjoy the lecture but I still listened in. They were disappointed at some of my scores and made me promise I would do better next semester. They told me to think about it and after that we made a schedule to follow during our break.

The tests here were more frequent that in Ireland and the subjects were harder, but I am in 7th grade so granted the subjects would be a lot harder. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. 

Until next time, goodbye!


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