Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone

So recently my mom made me and my brother read Harry Potter. I've heard about Harry Potter from people talking about it like in school and such. I have never read the book so I was pretty keen and excited to read it. My brother had started without me and was on chapter 3, so I had to catch up with him. 

To be honest, in the beginning I was pretty excited but then I wasn't that excited. When I started reading it though, it felt so addicting and I had to keep going. I only stopped when my phone ran out of battery. So without further ado, let us start this review. 

The book starts by introducing us to the Dursleys. The Dursleys hate anything that's out of the ordinary. That's why Mrs Dursley rarely talk about her sister Lily Potter. 

I honestly don't have a favorite character in the book. Don't get me wrong, the characters are great but I can't pick a favorite. All of them are really cool and fun to see and read about so it's really hard to pick a favorite. Hagrid seems exceptionally good though.

I took about a week or 2 to finish the book. This was because I got lazy sometimes to read it and ended up forgetting about the book for like 3 days. I probably would have finished it in 2 - 4 days if it not had been for my laziness.

My favorite part of the book is when professor Quirrell reveals that he is evil. I really liked the plot twist instead of having Snape being evil. I really enjoyed reading that part and payed the most attention to it while reading. 

At first, I was lazy to find out what house I'd be in since it required me to make an account and stuff. After awhile I decided to do it and got Hufflepuff. I also took the thing for the wand and I got a wand with spruce woof with a dragon heartstring core, 9 1/2 '' with solid flexibility.

 Something I wish would actually exist in the real world that's in Harry Potter would be broom riding. 100% Broom Riding. Do you know how cool it'd be if you could just ride a broom everywhere. Though, Quidditch is a strong second. 

Who do I want to be friends with in Harry Potter? About everybody. It'd be so interesting hearing about their stories and how they lived and such. 

My favorite subject would be flying (brooms) and potions and maybe defense against the dark arts. Potions because it'd be amazing to make potions do stuff and defense against dark arts because you get to learn defense and if you meat any dark wizard you can like take them on.

The main obstacle in the book is when Harry and his friends think that Snape is evil as they see him question professor Quirrell to the point that he becomes terrified. They assume Snape is trying to steal the stone and they have to figure out a way to stop him!

Overall, this book was a 10/10 and I'd recommend you to try it if you already haven't! 

Until next time! Goodbye


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