Midterm Exams
Last week, I had the midterm exams. I had 6 tests in total. 1 on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday and 3 on Friday, Monday and Tuesday were our normal schedules. I don't know my scores yet but I hope they're good. The kinda relieving thing about the tests were that after everybody had finished the tests, they were dismissed from school for the day. When I saw this I felt more relieved and less anxious. Overall, the tests weren't so hard. Some tests were hard though, and I had some trouble doing them.
Another thing that kinda worried me was that we had to join 20 minutes before the meeting, so if the meeting started at 8:00, we had to join at 7:40, this was so the teachers could see if everybody was ready and explain the rules of the test, and so that we could start exactly at the scheduled time.
For the meetings, we used Zoom, and we had to use our phones to join the meeting. Why? you might be asking, this is so that the teachers can see if any pupil tries to cheat. If we used our laptop/PC to join, the teacher could only see our face, and not our screen. We had to position our phone so that the teacher can see our screen but not the answers. If a pupil clicked another tab, the teachers would see and the pupil would be disqualified from the test.
The first test I had was on Wednesday. This was my math test, which lasted for an hour and a half (8:00am to 9:30am). Since we had to join 20 minutes before the test, I joined at 7:40, which is coincidentally the time I start school every other day. I was pretty anxious about it, but I tried not to worry because I studied for it the night before and some other nights before that. This test counted as math and matematika (which is just math in Indonesian). Even though I'm not that great in Indonesian, it wasn't that hard because I just had to focus on the key words such as multiplication, division and the numbers.
After everybody had finished the test, we were dismissed from school. Now I had plenty of time to study. I took a 1 and a half hour break first, then I continued to study. Tomorrow I had 2 tests, so I would need to study a lot.
On Thursday, the tests I had were Social Studies and Bahasa Indonesia ( Indonesian). Social Studies was first and also started at 8am. I joined at 7:40 again. The teachers were checking if everybody's phones were positioned properly, and went over the rules again. Social Studies is a fun subject and pretty easy to remember. The test lasted for an hour, and when everybody was finished, we had a 3 hour break, for resting, studying and eating lunch. I took a short break, and then studied for Bahasa. I'm not good at Bahasa so I really needed to study. I also re-read some chapters in my book, because my teacher said they'd be on the test.
Luckily, the chapter wasn't that hard, so I was able to finish it in time. After everybody had finished, school was done. Now there was only 1 day left of exams, however there were 3 tests on that day! The relieving thing about Friday was that 2 of the tests were about the same subject (Science and IPA[Indonesian Science]). I don't know why they separated though. Anyways, IPA was first, it again started at 8am. The test lasted for 45 minutes. After I finished, we had a 20 minute break, however since we had to join 20 minutes before the scheduled time, we had to join the class and listen to the rules over again.
Science wasn't too hard. It was mostly just naming the tools, characteristics of life and cell parts. After this we had a 3 hour break, again. I used this time to study and for lunch. Finally, it was the last test, english. English was 1 - 2pm. I studied the parts I didn't know such as prepositional phrases and complex, simple and compound sentences. Once everybody was done we were all dismissed. I felt SO relieved, but a new reason to be anxious about arised, the scores. I think I did good on the tests and I studied a lot so I hope the results are good. Nonetheless, I felt super relieved and I went down to take a rest.
Now i had a one week breakπ
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