How I got my White Belt in Coder Dojo

Hello! My name is Nabil, and today I'll be telling you how I got the white belt in Coder Dojo. A few weeks ago my friend's dad told my dad about this coding class called Coder Dojo. My dad thought it was a good idea, so he signed me and my little brother to go there.

In Coder Dojo, there are a lot of different coding programs but the main one there is Scratch. There, you can pick a PC anywhere and do your coding program. I do scratch with my little brother. You can just sit down there and make projects. Now I'll tell you about how to get the belts, and how I got my belt.

The belts:
In the Coder Dojo I go to, there are only 4 belts. The white belt, the yellow belt, the blue belt and the green belt.

To get these belts, you have to go to their website, and go to the belts section. There, you will see all the things you need in your project to get your game (e.g. You need at least 2 sprites in your project).

The easiest belt to get is the white belt (the one I have) because it is the first belt you can get.

Then it's the yellow belt

Then the blue, and then the green belt ( the hardest).

How I started to get my belt:

When I joined, I just started making little projects in my account (PixelCodeBlade). After about 2 weeks, my dad asked Derek (one of the instructors) about the belts. Derek talked to me about it, showed me the website for the belts and told me what I had to do to get it. I finished the project in about a week.

My project:
I decided to make a project about shooting ghosts. I titled the game "Ghost Shooter". In ghost shooter there are 5 ghosts that are each different sizes and speed. You have to kill them by clicking on them before the 20 second timer runs out. If the timer runs out you lose, however if you manage to kill them all, you win!

If you want to play it, here's the link:

When I was done, my dad showed Derek to see if he thought the project was alright.  He said it was excellent and in about 30 minutes I had to presentate the project.  There were 2 other people getting the white belt too! My brother and another dude. The guy I didn't know went first, then me and then my little bro.

I was a bit shy in the presentation, but I think I did a pretty good job. After I showed my project and explained the blocks, everyone clapped, then Derek gave me my white belt and a Coder Dojo sticker for my laptop!

I hope you enjoyed this blog, and if you're looking for a place to code, I highly recommend Coder Dojo. It's really fun and perfect for people new to coding!

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and try Coder Dojo or Scratch. Until next time! Goodbye ^  ^


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