What HBL (Home Base Learning) Feels Like.

 Hello! It's been awhile since I wrote a blog, mostly because a school and other stuff. Now I'm back and I've decided to write what it feels like to do HBL which stands for 'Home Base Learning'. If you didn't know home base learning is when you learn at home using a laptop/pc.

For HBL, my school uses Google Classroom to show students the homework and google meet or zoom for the meetings. I used to use my own laptop for school, but it started lagging a lot while using google meet, so I had to switch to my mom's laptop.

For me, HBL is easier than normal school because I don't have to go to the actual school. In Ireland I was usually late to class, because we could never get early to school. Here, sometimes we wake up late, I can usually get to school on time! 

HBL is easier than normal school, but its a lot more boring. Sitting 6 hours at a screen gets boring when you aren't playing/watching a video. I just can't sit down for a long time. I need to stretch sometimes. Other than this HBL is pretty cool.

Pros and cons of HBL:


No Commuting

Not much rush in the morning

Waking up late doesn't majorly effect what time you'll go to school

More time to spend with family

Easier to get snacks

Can get homecooked meals for free

Can go to bathroom whenever


Wifi Problems

Teachers most of the time won't notice what the student is doing

The student might have problems hearing what the teacher is saying.

Some students might be doing something else while the teacher is explaining

Some students might have difficulty trying to participate because their mic might be broken

To be completely honest, I prefer HBL to school learning for a lot of reasons. The most important one being that I'm usually late to a lot of things, and HBL makes things a lot easier to get around.

I hope you liked reading this, bye bye!



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