10 Reasons Why I Like Texas

Hello and welcome back! Today, I will be explaining 10 reasons on why I like Texas! These reasons will include restaurants, playgrounds, school and more! Now without further a do, Let's start this amazing blog!

1. School

The first reason on my list as to why I like Texas is the school. The school I went to was really great and interesting. They always tried to make learning fun and enjoyable.

They also make us do projects and fill out sheets in class with a partner a lot. Those were my personal favorite!

2. Both of the apartments.

While living in Texas, I lived in 2 different apartments. I enjoyed both the apartments, because they both included the same very nice items.

They both included a swimming pool, computer lab, and my favorite, the hot chocolate machine. My dad would usually go down and make us some hot chocolate. It was super yummy!

3. Restaurants.

Texas had a lot of really great restaurants. We went to many and most of them has really, really great food. My all-time favorite restaurants were Texas King and Lions City.

My favorite dishes from them were the Chicken Tikka with Biriyani from Texas King, and from Lions City its the fried que ti aou. Delicious!

4. The Weather.

The weather in Texas was over all amazing. It doesn't rain a lot and 98% its sunny and bright. I really prefer sunny weather to snowy or rainy weather. The sunny weather always makes me very happy and more energized when i go outside for recess.

5. The Playground!

I really, really, really love hope park. It was always so fun going there. It's such a great place to make new friends because there's 2 different parts. The younger part or older part. Each part is made specifically for the age range, and it looks so amazing!

It's a great place to hold a picnic, or you can go with some friends. 

6. Friends!

The friends I had in Texas were great. When we had recess, they never ran out of ideas for new, fun and amazing games to play, and when we had lunch, we usually chat to each other about different things each day

One of our favorite games we used to play was this zombie game, where someone was the zombie, and the others were survivors with a few materials. We had to survive for as long as we could or the zombie would get us.

7. Scenery

Texas had a lot of great places to see. One of my favorites was Blue Bonnet Park. My family and a few of our friends went there, and we had a great time! 

Blue Bonnet Park was super cool, and the blue bonnets there looked very nice. It's one of my favorite spots in Texas.

8. Roblox!!
Texas was the place where I found my all time favorite game, Roblox!! I was sitting with my friends at lunch and they asked me If I ever played Roblox before. I said I didn't know what it was so they told me to download it.

I went home and on Friday I downloaded it. I played it with my brother and it was a very fun game. I had lots of fun playing prison life with my little brother.

9,. School Bus.

I extremely enjoyed the school bus. I enjoyed talking to other students and seeing how their day was. I also liked sitting with my friends and chatting with them. 

Sometimes my friends brought their tablets or phones and we played some games on it. What a fun time!

10. School Activities.

School activities were always fun in Texas. My favorite was probably the Spirit Sprint. The spirit sprint was when you ran or jogged a mile. Whoever did the most laps at the end of the time won a special prize. 

I have only done it one time, and I think I only got 4 or 5 laps done. Mostly because I was jogging and chatting to my friend at the same time.

Those were the 10 reasons as to why I like Texas. If you have different opinions, write them down in the comments

As for now, goodbye! ^ ^


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