What I know about Coronavirus and Tips.

Hello! Welcome back, and today, I'll be writing about Coronavirus otherwise known as COVID-19. Right now, most schools are closed due to the virus( yay!) but they are given homework which, not going to lie, is kind of a downer. Anyways, welcome and enjoy my blog😁😁😁

COVID-19 started when a man, in Wuhan, China bought bats to, no joke, eat. He ate it, and presumably got the disease from it, then spread it to his wife, then his wife spread it, and so-on and so forth. So, to make this clear, COVID-19 was NOT created in a lab, in Wuhan. The coronavirus has spread to many places, even in Europe! It's in Italy, Spain and even in Ireland! 


My advice, for the virus is to wash hands regularly. Even when you're not about to eat, please try to wash your hands. Especially, when you just went outside. At school, they taught me a correct procedure on how to wash your hands. 

The recommended time is 20 seconds, or about singing happy birthday 2 times. The best places for germs is is between your fingers, and nails. So, remember, washing your hands is one of the MOST important things you must do

Another thing you must do, is wear the face masks. No matter how uncomfortable they feel, you have to wear them. Remember, to cover your nose too, that's very important!

What to do if you get COVID-19 A.K.A. Coronavirus:

If you do happen to get this disease, the best thing to do, is to stay in your room. AT ALL COSTS, do not make human contact, as this will put others at risk. Taking anti-biotics will not help, as we have never seen anything like this before, the best thing against it, is time and hope.

 Most of the people who die from the disease are the elderly, and people who already have diseases, such as heart, liver, lung problems etc.

You should never go outside if you get the virus, make sure you stay in a closed space, and when you cough or sneeze, please do it in the crook of your arm. NEVER do it on your hand or in the air, as it will contaminate it. You don't know the amount of people I've seen who cough into the air or their hand. My teacher even saw a dude put out his hand like 5cm away from his face and cough.

What to do around somebody who has the virus:

How tempting it is, for you to help somebody with the virus, remember, if you make contact with them, you might get it! So, if somebody has the virus, pray for them and have patience. Hopefully, they will get better and you can go back to living slightly normal lives again!

If the person absolutely needs to get out of their room, quickly get everybody else to wear a face mask, and put it over your nose. This way, you have a lower chance of getting the virus

The hopeful news:

This news is somewhat reassuring and disappointing. The vaccine for the virus will come in between 6-12 months, since us humans have never experienced a disease like this.

The end:

I hope you all are safe and healthy! We all wish this virus would end, but it looks like it's going to stay for another few months, maybe even a year! Please, try do these tips, and we the risk of getting it will lower!!

Hope you are all safe! 

Goodbye, and hopefully, a good day!


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