6 of the Best Games on Roblox and why you Should Play Them

Hello, It's me Nabil! I don't think a lot of you know, but my favorite game in the whole wide world is Roblox! If you don't know Roblox was made in 2005 by Erik Cassel and David Baszucki. Today, I'll be showing you  the top 6 best games on Roblox and why you should play them.

Note: This list is not in order, and this is all my opinion.

1. Ninja Legends.

So, I picked Ninja Legends for a lot of reasons. It came out not so long ago and at first I didn't seem too enthusiastic about it. After my friend got me to play it I realised it was a really fun game. So basically, you're a ninja and you're given a rank. 

You can upgrade your rank by buying ranks. (In the game, Ranking is like rebirthing which is like you lose everything but you get double the amount of XP, Coins etc.). You buy belts and when you have enough ninjitsu you have to sell it for coins. 

You can upgrade weapons and belts in the shop aswell as trying to find new islands. I've rebirthed 4 times and I'm now an assasin. I'm on my way to being a Shadow (the next rank).

2. Murder Mystery 2.

The next one that I'll talk about is Murder Mystery 2. I only started playing Murder Mystery 2 in the middle of 5th class. You see, back then I used mobile devices to play Roblox (which were a bit glitchy back then) so playing Murder Mystery 2 didn't seem like such a good idea.

 However, once I got my first ever Laptop, I started playing it. Once I did, I got basically addicted to it. It's a really fun game. In it, you have 12 players in a server. 1 person is the murderer, 1 person is the sherrif and the other 10 people are innocents.

 As murderer, you have to kill all innocents and sherrif. As sherrif you have to track down the murderer and shoot him. As  innocents, I guess u basically get coins, witness the murders and hide. Their are also some cool hiding spots in the game. Here's one: In the house, go to the basement then go down that brown square, then go in the TV.

3.  Bear (Alpha)

So, I was thinking what to put here when I remembered a Roblox Horror game that I simply just loved. In bear, one player gets chosen to be Bear. Bear must hunt down all survivors before the time limit. Survivors have to hide from bear for as long as they can and can do puzzles to reduce the timer.

I found this game while I was with my friends at my house, and we were searching for a suitable game to play. One of my friends found Bear and since it was a horror game, my friends and I decided to play it. You can buy different bear skins, kill effects, and items in the shop for quidz (the in-game currency)

There's a halloween event going on in it so get the secret halloween bears while you still can! There's 5 secret halloween bears in total aswell as the secret ghost burger item. I have all 5 of the bears and the ghost burger. Wanna know how? Too bad! 😝😝

4.  Project: Lazarus

Have you ever wondered, What would it be like living in the zombie apocolypse? Well now you can live that dream. Project: Lazarus is a first personzombie shooter game based in a school/electrical plant. 

You start off with the basic pistol and 500 points. You have to shoot zombies for more points. Guns can be bought for points, if you want to find them look on the walls and you should at least see one gun to buy. Zombies can only get in through windows, which is why this game revolves around teamwork.

You can prevent zombies from coming by going to the nearest window and pressing F, doing this gives you points. Nobody can be really sure if windows are secure or not, because there are millions of them everywhere. If you die, don't sweat, you have about 20 seconds to revive, to revive somebody go to them and press E, this also gives you points.

5. Teen Titans Battlegrounds.

I'm a fan of the show Teen Titans Go! So, when they make a game about it, of course I'm going to play it! In Teen Titans Battlegrounds, You have 10 characters to choose from. 5 of them being heroes and the other 5 being villians.

The only character you have to pay for is Apprentice Robin who is a villian and he costs 50 coins. The heroes are the Teen Titans team which is Robin, Beast boy, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire. The villians side includes Mammoth, Gizmo, Jinx, Slade and you guessed it, Apprentice Robin! 

After you choose your character, you spawn in front of the Titan's tower and fight any other people you come across. Each character has 3 different moves. Personally, my favorite is Robin because he's really fast and can do decent amounts of damage with his staff. For moving though, I'd pick Beast boy because his Tiger ability is super fast.

6. Growing Up.

Wow, what more do you want me to explain? Growing Up is a simple game where you literally grow up. You have different levels and after you complete them you get your birthday. You can see what age you are at the top right corner.

I've only played this game today, but it's really fun. I may be only 10 years old in the game but I'm really good at it. I really want to see what happens next. So far, I have 2 pets. A cat and a dragon, which I got at my birthday party(I know, I'm also confused as to why my parents would buy me a dragon.). 

Overall, I think this is a pretty solid game and I would reccomend lots of people to try it.

Anyways, that's it! I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you haven't played Roblox yet, make an account and try playing these games!

If you have any other games that I haven't mentioned please tell me, by writing it own below in the comment section.

Bye! ^  ^


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