My Favorite Pokemon of Every Type (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my first part of My Favorite Pokemon of Every Type. If you haven't seen that one don't worry! You'll understand everything here without watching the first part but I highly reccomend it!!!!
 [May contain spoilers if you haven't watched the sun and moon anime completely]

10. Grass: Sceptile

I don't know anyone who doesn't like Sceptile. You can watch some pokemon youtubers and they'll probably say Sceptile is a great pokemon! Sceptile is a pure grass type and its mega evolution is a grass and dragon type! It's shiny is also pretty great.

11. Ground: Krookodile

For ground, I chose Krookodile. Ash's Krokorok evolved into Krookodile and when it did I was so glad! Krookodile was one of Ash's most powerful pokemon and it knew some really cool moves.

12. Ice: Glalie

Glalie is my favorite ice type pokemon. Ash also had a Glalie and it was pretty cool. Glalie looks really awesome and its pre-evolution Snowrunt was adorable! Even though it's shiny isn't the most creative it's still awesome!

13. Normal: Aipom

For normal I choose Aipom. I chose Aipom because when I was little Aipom was my faovrite pokemon. Aipom is also my little brother's favorite pokemon so I like it a bit more because of that. Except the Aipom in Detective Pikachu is horrifying.

14. Poison: Poipole 

I absolutely love Poipole. Ash had a Poipole, then he released it and then it came back! He even evolved it into a Naganadel. I used to have a Poipole card but I traded it for another card.Poipole's shiny is amazing! I love the mixture of yellow and white.

15. Psychic: Alakazam

Alakazam is my favorite Pokemon for the psychic type. Alakazam has an interesting desgin and I love it's mega evolution. It's shiny isn't great but at least its better than just making it a slightly darker colour.

17. Rock: Lycanroc (All forms)

All of the forms of Lycanroc are great! My most favorite has to be the dusk form though, because it looks amazing! Their shiny's are even better than they are! The different shades of blue are really cool and make it even cooler than it already is.

19. Water: Greninja

Greninja is just plain awesome. I mean, just look at it! Its so cool, and its shiny is awesome! I love how they just replaced the blue with black, it gives it a more ninja type look.

Well, those are my favorite pokemon of every type! 

I really hope you like this and tell me if any of these are the same or different on your list!

Goodbye ^  ^


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