My Favorite Pokemon of Every Type (Part 1)

Hello there, random person who's reading this! Today I'll be telling you my favorite pokemon of every type, but before we begin I have to tell you some rules first.


1. Pokemon with 2 types on this list will only be listed as 1 type.

2. This is all my opinion.

anyways, lets begin. (we're doing this alphabetically)

1. Bug: Yanmega

For bug type, my favorite is Yanmega. I picked Yanmega because I like how it looked. Yeah, I know bug\flying isn't the most "unique" type but Yanmega looks really cool. Plus, It was one of my first 
really good pokemon cards, and it's shiny is pretty cool.

2. Dark: Zoroark

For dark type, my favorite pokemon is Zoroark. The reason I picked Zoroark is because it's ability illusion isn't pretty bad. Another reason is because Zoroark's coloring is cool.I like the mixture of red and black is really cool and makes it look awesome

3. Dragon: Flygon

For dragon, I picked Flygon. The reason I picked this guy is because he looks pretty cool and his shiny ain't that bad. It's stats aren't that bad but the only thing that kinda doesn't make sense is that its a dragon\ground type. It's top part of it's head looks like an awesome hair style.

4. Electric: Raichu

I picked Raichu because its a cool and cute electric type pokemon. Pikachu is cute but it gets just a really tiny bit boring seeing it everywhere. Plus, Raichu's speed is actually faster than Pikachu ( I'm pretty sure).  Raichu is also one of my favorite colors, orange and yellow!

5.  Fairy: Slurpuff

I picked Slurpuff for 2 main reasons. 

1. I like candy and slurpuff is literally a candy thing

2. Its shiny is really creative. Instead of strawberry and vanilla they replaced it with chocolate and bananas!

6. Fighting: Scrafty

Scraggy is cool but Scrafty looks awesome! It's typing is also amazing! A dark\fighting type pokemon is such a good typing. Just imagine a pokemon that attacks and fights from within the shadows! cool, right?

7. Fire: Typhlosion 

Typhlosion is my favorite fire type because I just love the fire around its neck. I can't say the same about its shiny :\. It also has the highest base stat total of all the pokemon in the Johto region. The only thing I really need right now, is a typhlosion pokemon card!

8. Flying: Staraptor

My favorite flying type is Staraptor. It looks so serious and cool. Its shiny is also amazing1 I love how the shiny turns the red tip into a blue tip and making the feathers a lighter sahde of brown!
Ash also had a Staraptor and it was really good!

9. Ghost: Gengar

Gengar is the best ghost type pokemon for a lot of reasons. It's mega is scary and cool. Its mega's shiny is awesome ( but I can't say the same about the regular shiny). It's also the original ghost type from Gen I.

I hope you enjoyed my list and tell me if any of these are also your favorites!

See you later ^  ^

(Part 2 is coming soon.)


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