World War 1

 Hello there! Today I'll be writing about how and why WWI started. Most of you reading this know or at least have heard of WWI. But since some time has passed  people get confused about why and how it started. After a while people try remember but thy end up making there own little stories about it. So, let's start!

World War 1 started because of the assassination of an Austrian duke named Franz. At the beginning the assassins waited for his car and threw a bomb. Luckily for Franz the bomb missed and hit officers behind them. Franz came back to visit the injured officers in a hospital and after thathe got shot by the same assassin. Austria gets angry and declares war on Serbia because they thought they had something to do with it.

Austria is allies with Germany and asks them if they should go to war. Germany agrees and Austria goes to war. Serbia however, is allies with Russia and Russia is allies with France so all of them declare war against Germany and Austria. 

France and the UK were kinda allies so when France asked the UK if they go their back and they answered maybe. 

Germany already made a plan to win the war. They knew that Russia would take a long time to get ready so they would take over France real quick and then deal with Russia. Unluckily, though France has a tough military and a lot of forts protecting that side so Germany had to use Belgium to get to the side.

They thought Belgium would be quiet and not do anything but they were wrong. Belgium fought back and did a pretty good job doing it too. At this point the UK got angry that Germany was attacking neutral countries so they decided to join the war too.

America decided to go and Germany was desperate so they did one of the most powerful attacks. 5 times! But each time their recources kept going lower

The war kept going until Germany, Austria,Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire all failed. After this, they signed a peace treaty and the world lived in peace once again! For about only 20 years....

I hoped you liked this!

See you next time ^ ^


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