Roblox: Arsenal vs. BIG Paintball.

It's about time that I do this. If you don't know, Arsenal and BIG Paintball are FPS (First Person Shooter) games. They are both similiar in many ways, but since I like both of them I thought I would see which one is better. So without further a do, let's go! Arsenal vs. BIG Paintball: What the community thinks. So, let's take a look at what the players on roblox think about these games. Arsenal was published on August 18th 2015 by ROLVe Community. It currently has around 23 thousand people playing it and it has been visited more than 300 million times. Arsenal has been made earlier so it has a small advantage. Now let's take a look at BIG Paintball. BIG Paintball is actually quite new, but that doesn't mean it has a huge disatvantage. BIG Paintball was published on July 24th 2019 by a group named BIG Games™ . BIG Paintball is different from Arsenal as instead of an actual gun FPS shooter, you have paintball guns. This game curr...