My Favorite Pokemon of Every Type (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my first part of My Favorite Pokemon of Every Type. If you haven't seen that one don't worry! You'll understand everything here without watching the first part but I highly reccomend it!!!! [May contain spoilers if you haven't watched the sun and moon anime completely] 10. Grass: Sceptile I don't know anyone who doesn't like Sceptile. You can watch some pokemon youtubers and they'll probably say Sceptile is a great pokemon! Sceptile is a pure grass type and its mega evolution is a grass and dragon type! It's shiny is also pretty great. 11. Ground: Krookodile For ground, I chose Krookodile. Ash's Krokorok evolved into Krookodile and when it did I was so glad! Krookodile was one of Ash's most powerful pokemon and it knew some really cool moves. 12. Ice: Glalie Glalie is my favorite ice type pokemon. Ash also had a Glalie and it was pretty cool. Glalie looks really awesome and its pre-evol...