My Experiences With HBL/Online School

For the past year, I have been doing HBL/Online school. So today, I will be writing my experiences while doing online school. Online school has it's pros and cons like most other things. One of it's pros is that it's very easy to get to school on time and we're barely ever late. One of the cons of online school is that it can get very boring quickly. So, without further ado let's start this thing. First off, I'll elaborate more on the pros and cons of online school. Pros: - very easy to get to school on time - easier access to lunch, more time to eat it - easier access to the bathroom - students can be more comfortable - Now it's time to move on to the cons of HBL Cons: - Students are less focused - Teachers don't know what students are doing behind their screen - Studying can be harder for students as they don't take the school as seriously - Students skip assignments more As you can see, there's a lot of goods and bads about HBL, but not it...