My Swimming Experience

I started swimming when I was almost 5. At first, I was terrified of the water because I thought I would drown. My dad signed me up for swimming lessons at the Sheraton. I started at the 1st level where they taught me basic stuff in the baby pool. The things they taught me were how to kick in the water and how to float. We stayed in the baby pool for about 2 levels. I kept swimming until I went to the next level, starting at level 3, we went over to the big pool. I wasn't scared at the small pool, but I was terrified of the big pool because at my age, It looked really really deep. I was really scared there, I got less scared after a while because my swimming instructor helped me to not get scared of the water. Also, there my swimming instructor didn't want the students to have goggles because he thought they'd learn better if they didn't have goggles. So I use to swim without goggles. After every lesson, We could stay in the pool and have fun. My dad,...